Are you looking to build on this year’s success for the future?


This free online class will help you sell more cattle, at a higher average for your annual sale or private treaty offering and understand how you can make your marketing go the distance in a good year to carry you forward in leaner years down the road.

PLUS attendees get a free 15 min follow up call with Karoline to discuss their marketing plan.

There’s a lot of excitement in the air for production sales this year.

Shifts in the market have many of us predicting higher averages. This class will analyze how we can make the best use of a good year for the future.

If you’ve attended our Seedstock Webinar in the past, this is a brand new class.

This year we are focusing on budget optimization that lasts years down the road - not just a single season.

Join us to learn the best methods to build on your production sale results.

March 26th: Fall Production Sale Strategies

April 23rd: Spring Production Sale Strategies

April 25th: Spring Production Sale Strategies

We’ve spent the last 6 years marketing over 100 sales and have unlocked the secrets of success in marketing cattle for a private treaty offering of 12 head to an annual sale of 300.

Our online seedstock marketing class will help you think outside of the box to sell your cattle and utilize marketing to build your business this year and into the future!

Each free class is limited to 100 sign-ups.


If you are new to sale marketing, unhappy with your current plan, or transitioning from a previous sale - then this class is for you!



✓ Places you aren’t diving deep enough in your marketing

✓ Steps to decrease costs while increasing results

✓ Marketing structures to develop that will benefit you for years to come.

…plus what Karoline saw in Fall of 2022 and Spring of 2023!

 Register today for the upcoming online class—it’s free!
Questions? Feel free to contact or ‪(406) 285-1907‬

Each class is limited to 100 sign ups.


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