
Instagram & Your Business

There are 1 million ACTIVE users on Instagram each month. We’re going to make a safe bet that your ideal customer is one of those users. Just like Facebook, it is another social media platform that allows you to connect with potential customers. It offers different features than Facebook, and only allows photos or videos to be posted! There are zero links shared on Instagram giving users a more visual experience.

Your ideal customers can get to know you and your business on a deeper level and become a customer through Instagram. 

Level up your business’ Instagram game with one of our online classes!


10 Tips for Instagram

Use 30 Hashtags on Every Post!

People need to see your content 7-12 times before they’ll consider purchasing. If you share a blog post just once, you’re not going to get the readership you want. You can share the same content in different forms.

Don’t use the same hashtags on every post.

You want people to do more than just ‘like’ your posts. They should be commenting, sharing, and having meaningful conversations with you. Ask for recommendations that you actually need. Provide calls to action and ask for follow through. One great way to call your audience to action is through Live Video.

Tag Your Location

In order to cultivate community, we also need to get people to ask us questions. Think about what you are posting on your business page and group. Do you have posts that encourage this type of engagement?

Tag Associated People or Businesses

Go look at your last five Facebook posts. At least four of those posts should be providing value. You can make your customer’s lives better just by sharing your knowledge. People who follow you on Facebook get really irritated when all they see are sales posts. You followers know what you sell, you don’t have to tell them over and over. Share your zone of genius and those interested will come to learn.

You don’t have to edit every photo, use every filter, or play with colors.

It’s never a great sign when you visit a Facebook business page that has little to no content. It’s hard to trust that business when you can’t find much out about them. This is another reason you should be posting daily or close to it. If your last post was in 2017, a newcomer to your page might think your business isn’t active, or they won’t trust you. Remember how important it is for your audience to know, like and trust you.  

Be consistent with your posts—don’t leave your followers.

If one of your posts is doing well, Facebook will tempt you with that “BOOST POST” button. Don’t press it! If you’d like more people to see your successful post, run it through Facebook Ad’s Manager. You can select an already created post to do this. This way you can target those you want to see the post.

Be Active on Instagram Stories

Try doing 3 to 5 stories every day.

Use keywords in your profile bio that your ideal customer is searching for.

The Facebook Algorithm loves videos. Videos seem to create a lot of engagement and followers love to see them. BUT they must be uploaded directly to Facebook. YouTube links. Vimeo links, or whatever video platform you chose to use will not be successful. They are actually Facebook’s least favorite thing and rarely show up in a follower’s news feed.

Always respond to comments—and spend time engaging!

How do you know how far you’ve come if you don’t know where you started? Start tracking your Facebook stats today! You can easily do this by writing them down, or throwing the numbers into an Excel sheet. This way you can know which months you did well, review your content, and keep growing your page.

Don’t post the exact same content on every social media platform.

When your Facebook page is connected to your personal page, it’s easy to get drawn into your personal life and lose all productivity. You might be on Facebook, but are you really on Facebook for business? When you switch your page to Business.Facebook, it removes your page from the left margin. Now when you are on your business page, you are strictly working on your business! It’s a matter of work-life balance. Along with increased productivity, the Facebook Business Manager offers you more options for understanding your business page by using the stats and analytics feature, and it increases your page security.